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Initial Outreach

In 2019 outreach to the San Francisco Board of Supervisors had some early success. Only supervisor aides were contacted. Supervisor Yee's aide said that though supportive, Supervisor Norman Yee could not take the lead since he was planning to retire in 2020. An aide to Supervisor Hillary Ronen reported that Supervisor Ronen was supportive and would vote to approve the proposed resolution. Aides to Supervisors Shannon Walton and Gordon Mar responded that they would get back to us. One of Supervisor Sandra Lee Fewer's Aides indicated Supervisor Fewer would vote for the proposed resolution.

Then came the pandemic and the whole SF UNgoals project was shut down. Now in 2024 the project will restart by lining up Supervisor support as the first step.


There are eleven SF Supervisor districts. Each district elects one member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors every four years with half of the Supervisors elected every two years. The next election will be in November, 2024. See the wikipedia article.


Thanks to the generosity of our President, Bronwyn Galloway, we have a budget of $1200 available for our initial outreach. The first step will be to find or hire an organizer.


We will aim to bring in volunteers from each Supervisor district with a majority being from marginalized groups such as: women, youth, black, Latinx, disabled, poor, homeless, seniors, veterans and the like. One  or more of the volunteers from each district will agree to take or share the lead for that district. There will be zoom or in-person district meetings, and citywide zoom meetings.


The primary goal for each district will be to persuade their Supervisor to agree to vote for our draft Resolution provided we form a strong civic/academic/business/government coalition to back the resolution and participate in the resulting San Francisco UN Goals Advisory Committee. It is important to note here that the Supervisors are not being asked to vote for the resolution, but rather to agree they will vote for it once a solid coalition has been formed.


A secondary goal will be to begin forming the coalition at the district level. Once the Supervisor of the district has agreed to support the draft proposal, forming the coalition will become the number one object of the district UN Goals group. Because the coalition is being formed district by district, local as well as citywide goals will come into play.

The Initial Outreach will continue at the district level indefinitely, but once we have a majority of Supervisors saying they will support the establishment of a UN Goals Advisory Committee, the next step is to build a largely women’s Core Team to take charge of outreach and marketing at the city level.


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